The watchmen seem to think the elites still fight wars with guns and soldiers.
However it’s not a salvation issue that they must see the miracles all around us.
It’s not 1950 anymore. These serpents wage war in stealth by secret.

Truth. Even if it Hurts!
The watchmen seem to think the elites still fight wars with guns and soldiers.
However it’s not a salvation issue that they must see the miracles all around us.
It’s not 1950 anymore. These serpents wage war in stealth by secret.
All we are supposed to perceive is black slavery. As if Africa is the only other country and the only race that can be captured.
Clearly the internet is FU**ED. It’s quite obvious to me the manipulation being powered by every search engine I have tried. Even onion. And that scary deep web was likely the only free web. If it’s something your not supposed to know or think about there won’t be any reference to it on the internet. Sin sure ship started a long time ago. And ignorant people who can’t handle other ideas back it up. “make it illegal” they scream!
When Joseph was thrown into slavery by his own family because of the brothers fear of losing power he rose up in power because of the fearful actions of his brothers. God’s irony is unequalled. He sets the captives free.
Babylon the baby-lawn. The people who hold up slaveries stocks and bonds will fall into the very chains they forged for the innocent. The slave owner the false prophet & antichrist who stamp the minds of men with their unclean labels at birth shall burn in the lake of fire. Just as those black & red labels are being seared and cleansed away from God’s children. The separation is fulfilled. No more will God Almighty tolerate genocide of His people. Wrath of God event confirms Jazweeh’s prediction from 2019.
The dead cry out from their graves. By years of bondage & slavery unto death. Enslaved by powerful money men in New York & on Wall Street. New York is the hub of White and every other color of kidnapping & slavery.
What of the milk cartons. For so long the truth was right in front of the many. millions stolen away.
Oh sure google writes, that slavery was started “stocks & bonds” in New York/Babylon using black innocents for muscle slaves. But that’s not the modern billion dollar slave market. That slave story is the lie to cover the Truth.
Come now, we who think with a clear mind know the real money for the wicked is in young pretty virgins and young pretty virgin boys. The price of young women will always trump the price of boys. In most cases men prefer pretty girls. God help them all. Their karma is coming for them. The blood of slaves cries out as a testimony. Straight from the dirt from the soil of ages and ages of slavery to bondage.
Strippers who are not under the protection of their employers are prime candidates for falling into the slave market. The market. Stocks/Bonds. Why trade lettuce when you can prosper off of the lives of the helpless who cannot defend themselves? ($arcasm). Just hand cuff, throw into a transport and put into conditioning camps.
What is coming for the evil men and women who play a knowledgeable part & prosper from the slavery of the innocent? They buy & they sell human beings. They say “what can I do against the beast of ages? I cannot help these slaves I am only one person”. “If you can’t beat them, join them.”
And so not even a prayer to God is uttered by those who take part in slavery stocks and bonds. Death bed confessions are too little too late. He’s coming for you. He is gathering his armies now. And no science, no weapons, no deception, no lies, no coin, no mask, no covering, no irony, can save the strong man. The straw man is burned. Nothing can hide them from the judgement of the Sun & Son. Ban de sol ley. The army of Sun rises. The Ark of the Covenant approaches. The towers of time fall to nothing. Water does not lie.
How does all this “stocks & Bonds” equate to legal stocks etc? The false prophet who put gates of hell into power makes false financial predictions and has for years. That part of bonds & stocks is all fixed by inside info. [War on Chinese Buffet] is the false prophet figurehead. And Gates of hell is his puppet. He gave the foundation all his money. And yet he still has his billions. Odd. Enter mark of the beast right arm. False prophets MAKE PREDICTIONS.
If the human has not sought out his/her Creator and searched for the meaning of life yet let me give the human the answers I my God gave me. There is only one reason for humanity on Earth. We must all choose our eternal homes. All must choose. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all make our choice of eternities home. How??
By our choices and actions toward others. By our efforts in finding our Creator & attaining our plan of Salvation’s Hope. And by our words. The links below will tell the human which one they are at present. All Lions were once goats & wolves. We do not know if there is time to change identities. Time is late.
An electrical arc is an electrical malfunction that happens when wires and systems can’t handle the amount of electro-current going through its system of lines. The Sun’s Arc of God will occur in the new White Sun causing great disaster. A solar panel can ark if you unplug it from batteries in full sun causing a burst of violet coronal discharge. (more explanation on corona discharge below)
For Four years I have been watching what I call the blue Kachina (Hopi Prophecy) in the southern sky from Florida. It dances and flashes red, blue, and clear lights. It has wings as an angel. And for four years I have watched her fly using just a cheap pair of binoculars. Today I figured out what she is.
I am afraid that without Faith men won’t be able to see the Firebird Phoenix. There is a dividing of time in play. Two realities at work in one place. Literally two Truths. (Hence the many Mandela effects and supernatural bible changes etc.)