Could we be wrong? It’s always a possibility. None of our articles are “thus sayeth The Lord”. We are however lead by The Holy Spirit of God. My own fear of losing readers is overcome by my will to show Truth as God leads. This is article is not necessarily the opinion of Mike or Pastor Paul. This particular article is written by an independent writer. The administrators of the site want ALL VALID OPINIONS TO BE ADDRESSED HERE NOT LEAVING ANY STONE UNCOVERED. It’s the reader who decides what is Truth. If Mike and Pastor Paul were to cover this topic in any light it would likely cost them their channel.
Video not for sensitive people or children. Graphic medical researcher shows cremator’s discoveries of lethal blood clots and vascular & arterial malignant tumors unlike any ever seen during cremations. So much so that fluids can’t be pumped into the bodies for funeral preparations. The scorpion sting torment of Rev. 9:5 is to know we cannot undo what we did by taking their poison. We were deceived. And so we repent of doing what we thought was right.

Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot.