End Times Encouragement for the Chosen Few of God

The Wise Shall Understand the rest will not see.

From the Heart of the Seer comes God’s Truth.

They shall learn who they are.  And mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not falter, they shall crush & overcome the serpent by talents of God Almighty.  And by the breath of God with their Breathren they stand firm on foundations of God by FAITH & of HOPE.

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Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego Survived the Firey Furnace

So too shall God’s Children Survive Eternally

Firebird Phoenix is Upon Earth

Biblical Story Turned Prophecy  There’s bad news & good news.

What The Elite (those in the know $$) Won’t Tell the Public due to the terrifying repercussions.

We see the fiery Phoenix in the skies over Earth.  For nearly 5 years I have watched the bright Fire Angel called the Blue Kachina dance, spin, and fly west seen in the southern skies of the U.S.  Binoculars and Faith are needed to see her.  She sends a message from our Creator.  The New Earth Eternal Comes.  But first the old earth must burn.

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