Paul Begley Confirms Jazweeh’s “RED ASH” Prediction (Feb. 2022)

The Prediction was Given From the Angel on High

Its unusual for Jazweeh to get a prophecy from a deity.  She also insists she is not a prophet.  However these angels she sees flying are the four angels written in Revelation who pour out their viles of purification/disaster/&renewal of and on Earth here and now.

Please see her prediction article given in February for detail about THE RED ASH being poured out on mankind to burn the Earth and banish man.



To watch Pastor Paul Begley’s video in full size click YouTube link.

2022 Mike’s APOCOLYPTIC Predictions

Mike Share’s ALL NEW Disastrous News.

Urgent: “2022 Apocalyptic Warnings” Mike from Around the World/Paul Begley

Last year 2021 Mike shared over and over the same basic circumstances of Earth’s changes. This year’s predictions are far worse. Weather will be the enemy.

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