We Show You A Mystery of God. Prophecy Fulfilled Now.

The Golden Roach Scribe of God (writer Jazweeh.com) struggles with one foot in the supernatural and the other on Earth, carnal. 

Mt. of Olives carnal & Mt. Zion Spiritual.  One foot on each.  THINK! Do you remember a similar script?  Jesus setting down on TWO mountains, with one foot on each mountain?  "And He gave each of them a white stone"  Rev.2:17.    And the streets of Heaven are Crystals of many kinds.

And preachers called the crystals "evil" and of evil.   Along with meditation in Christ and essential oils of plants given from God that do heal.  All power scriptures for the people are being quickly removed from all existing bibles near and far old and new.  The event is covered by the strong (Strong's?) delusion.

 Nearly 30 fulfilled Prophesies, list below.

Wisdom proclaims Truth out in the streets and she is utterly rejected, being mocked & spoken of as delusional. 

Yet for her who knows Wisdom the human eyes keep twinkling.  With the twinkling of the eye that only she can see.

“We shall not all sleep (during the stasis), but we shall all be changed.”

However we Surmise that Most Cannot, WILL NOT Dare to Believe What the 144 Say & See.

It’s written (or was) that the Israelites are blind until the coming in of the gentiles…but I see something quite different.  I see many blind gentiles.


What is Coming according to Prophecy?  In a few words…THE HARVEST GATHERING.  The Lake of Fire.  And the New Earth.  Ye either head to one’s eternal home or head to the New Earth.  Old Earth is morphing into New Earth already it seems.  Yesterday I saw a red dragon fly.  All red.  There are many new neon colored creatures.  Are they all GMO creations?  Perhaps.  Or perhaps not.  I suppose they could be.  But with the sun turning white.  And all the other changes in the skies.  Including the rotating moon that rotates as it crosses the sky. The signs and wonders are many.  And will NOT be attributed solely to man’s debauchery.

Continue reading “We Show You A Mystery of God. Prophecy Fulfilled Now.”

Paul Begley Confirms Jazweeh’s “RED ASH” Prediction (Feb. 2022)

The Prediction was Given From the Angel on High

Its unusual for Jazweeh to get a prophecy from a deity.  She also insists she is not a prophet.  However these angels she sees flying are the four angels written in Revelation who pour out their viles of purification/disaster/&renewal of and on Earth here and now.

Please see her prediction article given in February for detail about THE RED ASH being poured out on mankind to burn the Earth and banish man.



To watch Pastor Paul Begley’s video in full size click YouTube link.

The Phoenix Now Flies



For Four years I have been watching what I call the blue Kachina (Hopi Prophecy) in the southern sky from Florida.  It dances and flashes red, blue, and clear lights.  It has wings as an angel.  And for four years I have watched her fly using just a cheap pair of binoculars.  Today I figured out what she is.

I am afraid that without Faith men won’t be able to see the Firebird Phoenix.  There is a dividing of time in play.  Two realities at work in one place.  Literally two Truths.  (Hence the many Mandela effects and supernatural bible changes etc.)

Continue reading “The Phoenix Now Flies”