New Jesus Vs. True Jesus. Blood Gospel/True Gospel

SIDENOTE: Mike from around the world spoke of the “red dust” in his last begley interview titled “Breaking Aler: “Yellowstone Prophecy” / on youtube. Here is my prediction about the red dust which I wrote years ago.

See the Video on the Four Sacred Revelation Angels.  Also called the Red Kachina & Blue Kachina

An Angry Jane article. Short version of Salvation

Scroll to bottom to see how to really be Saved by Faith in God.

Verse of the day Isaiah 11:6 (Lion & Lamb magically changes to Lamb & Wolf) Verse #2 is Amos 11:6 the famine of God’s words on Earth.

The Lion of Judah Jesus the Son of God no longer lies with the lambs. He has left both the churches and the holy books. He has gone to prepare a place for His sheep who know His voice.


“A greedy and idolatrous bloodline seek a sign.  But no sign is given to them except the miraculous sign of the many watchmen on the image of the beast TV.

The end of days sign of Jonah the watchmen. For just as Jonah warned the masses so too we have an array of Watchmen proclaiming Jesus’ return.  THE WATCHMEN ARE THE SIGN OF JONAH FOR OUR TIME.

Continue reading “New Jesus Vs. True Jesus. Blood Gospel/True Gospel”

“Ye Must Be As Little Children to Inherit the Kingdom of God”

What Are the New Vs. The True Gospels??  Find out now.

God’s warriors on Earth know how difficult it is to balance the righteously indignant warrior of God with the little child they must be before God. Relying on Him as children.   The soldiers do not accept the magically rewritten Gen. 3-15 desecrated script of “bruise/bruise”.   It is rewritten as if to say evil is now equal to God.  It is not.  How do they know?  Because they have been formed to crush the serpent under their bestowed power of The Holy Spirit.  Under their feet just as Jesus taught them.

Is Magic Bad?

Little children believe in magic.  Are not the end of days prophecies written about magic?  Jesus turned water into wine and increased the fish and bread/cakes isn’t that also magic?

“And the mortal shall put on immortality, the corrupt shall put on incorruption.”

I have seen people who were healed of ailments and delivered from bondage.  As have I.  Is not prayer and a miracle received…magic?

Yes it is magic and it always was magic.  Magic for the betterment of mankind is something the powerful elites DO NOT WANT THE SLAVES TO HAVE.

Continue reading ““Ye Must Be As Little Children to Inherit the Kingdom of God””