The watchmen seem to think the elites still fight wars with guns and soldiers.
However it’s not a salvation issue that they must see the miracles all around us.
It’s not 1950 anymore. These serpents wage war in stealth by secret.

Truth. Even if it Hurts!
The watchmen seem to think the elites still fight wars with guns and soldiers.
However it’s not a salvation issue that they must see the miracles all around us.
It’s not 1950 anymore. These serpents wage war in stealth by secret.
Caution. Don't read if back sin ate Ed. As the Watchmen proclaim Jesus by Name they see not the miracles that the 144 see. God gives to mankind gifts with supernatural evidence of Love, Faith, Hope, & Sight by His Holy Spirit. Perhaps these Watchman do not know or have the version of God's Spirit that the 144 received. All people had the Divine Presence of God until many blocked it with the GMO chot.
The 144 were not born 144. They are predestined because of their choices. They stepped into the template God had ready for any human to embrace. Human templates which one are you? – Goat’s, Sheep, Wolves, Lions, Serpent’s, & Lambs
Sorry boys. The gloves are coming off time is too short. 99% of mankind already has the mark of the beast. But if they seek God with their whole heart he will save their soul. LOOK at the foreheads. The fallen angel wings is the mark. Or call it the wings of a beast with lowered head in shame. If one did not take the back scene their chances for soul survival is much better. It was always “right arm or forehead”.
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