The Sun/Son of God Event A Plasma Apocalypse Is On the Way

Similar Article What will the Millenium be Like?

“Who shall be able to stand?” When Jesus returns in the Heavens on the Eastern Rise.

When Jesus returns in the Heavens on the Eastern Rise.  His glory will annihilate those who are not purified and made white.  Chose are called to seed, chronicle, and clean up (dispose of latent demonic presence due to the A.C. bloodline in so many who took the mark.) the New Earth.

Rapture/Lake of Fire/Transfiguration of the chosen few, will ALL happen at the same time pretty much.  Three events/one event simultaneous.  God is NOT predictable.  04-08-2024 thru June’s end is the predicted estimated date given on in 2018.  It has not changed



The full picture of the coming plasma apocalypse was delayed until April 8th 2024 or there about.  The details of the coming Earth apocalypse and vehement flame which will melt away most flesh on Earth in an instant was a mystery.   Details were withheld to protect the 144.   While they grew their emotional security and walked through their purification of body, mind, soul cleansing of their being.   By trials of fire we grow spiritually.

Until now we didn’t know how the end would come. We didn’t know if we would leave this Earth or stay and survive.  We didn’t know if we would be upgraded in body and mind or if we had to die again.  We just didn’t know the details.

Daniel 12:10
“some shall be purified and made white but the wicked shall not understand or see.”

The full picture of the coming apocalypse was withheld from the Seer Jazweeh.  But as the Christians wait for their fiery rapture the 144,000 chosen of God are called & chosen to walk the coming New Earth after Earth’s purification.  The 144 are now finally ready emotionally, physically and mentally to carry out their next calling of God.

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The Black Harvest Is Here

Where the Eagle lands their shall the corpse lie also.

Written by Angry Jane.  (she cusses).

Remember the mantra-“Out of the problem into the solution”.  It helps loads.  With God all things are possible.  We can overcome this evil system of webs and traps.

Justice and Goodness shall win in the end.  Why?  Because we have The Creator on our side if we rely on Him.  Nobody wants to see that they have a lethal enemy.  It’s way too inconvenient and the solutions are just too much work…after all who wants to till the soil and work a job to pay bills?  Who can?  When the mothers of small children were sent to work to pay bills that was it….they had us.

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Link to Terrifying [Gee Emma Oh Hue mans] Article

To look into the face of the Beast is not easy without Faith and guidance.  And a way to process the threats.  People shut their eyes because they do not have the coping skills to look and see the diabolical evil threats at hand.  This is exactly why the Gentiles cannot see that we are in the Great Tribulation.

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous however The Lord God shall deliver them out of the ALL!”


God sent the witnesses called “The Two Witnesses” or one reason, to heal the elect in these last days.  Used to be that we had to go to the preachers and receive the laying on of hands to be healed in the Name of Jesus.

But things are different now.  The Gentiles are under the strong delusion. They cannot see the new gospel or the supernatural bible changes.  They do not see or know the desecration of all bibles old and new.  Hence they often follow doctrines of demons.  Some Gentiles merely gravitate only toward what is left of Truth in the bibles.

There is much they do not see.  We mean no offence. They see not the locust that flew on the winged abomination.  Nor do they know what are the towers of babble and what those towers are doing to almost all of mankind.

The Gentiles shall be saved by fire purification and death.

But The Children of God who have His Holy Spirit, they are leaving this Earth very soon.  So too will the Gentiles leave this Earth.

But only those who have already overcome death shall be transfigured and raptured by transfiguration and the second portion of Faith.  Just as Elisha became Elijah.  God’s children she be like Jesus.

Finding The Holy Grail

What Is a Holy Grail?

Read first similar article

The holy grail is a legend and mystery throughout time.  A “grail” quest is said to be the search for a Holy & sacred object.   A vessel device or trident said to have magical power and therefore sought out by the knights of Arthurian legend.   The term grail also denotes the Golden Cup or drinking vessel of honor and privilege. Hence the first “Holy Grail” being the Golden Chalice Jesus drank from at the last supper.  The precise etymology of the term “Grail” remains uncertain according to

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Shocking Video by Paul Begley Monkey-Human Hybrids

Astounding!  Planet of the Apes is Here.

This was announced years ago April 2021.

We realize that news is news even if the dates are erroneous that Begley reports.   We shall allow for Pastors errors in dates and his alleged ignorance of what is really going on realizing that he can’t say all that should be said lest he get blacklisted all together.  Who knows what he really knows and doesn’t know.  He sees not the changes to reality.  Nor does he seem to realize the many many crimes against humanity at play here.  While he dances around crucial topics.  Perhaps intentionally.

Do not read this if you took the poison unless you have repented and been delivered.

The elite suffer those who took the scorpion sting by showing them just what they have accomplished in that chot. Now the many simply MUST blind themselves to what is. For Truth would be too hard to endure.  The suffering of the Scorpion sting is to know what you did by allowing the beast to remake you in the image of the beast.

Pastor Paul likely knows this if he didn’t take the sting, that is.  But clearly he can’t say it on this video.  Instead he is dancing all around the Truth.  While promoting the cover story of sex with angels that never happened.

God’s angels are loyal to God Almighty.  They do not have sexual desires.  The story is bullshit.  The angel human sex story was good one wasn’t it?  It had me going for a while.  But I see it was devised to cover up the Truth of mankind taking into himself the beast.

For years on end the elite screamed “humans come from monkeys” yet we were blind …then. Now we know what they were saying. Humans will become monkeys when we find the keys to the sell’s Nicklaus. And they did by the covenant with many demons they received the code to the nuke. And they gave the demons in return access to all bibles on earth to change them.

God in Heaven allows the desecration of His words because monkeys, beasts are not under the covenant of salvation which humans that He created are under. It’s on. The end is near.

The goats would have been better off being taken down by the locust and eyes sinking than to be turned into hybrid monkeys by the mRNA chot.  At least with the Locust they may have retained their soul.  We are not entirely certain about all the effects of the Locust with its wing of abomination.  Both it and the scorpion sting are bad news.

What would tell him if he could hear us?  We would say that the news & TV are the image of the beast .  And we would ask him why he still believes in every word?  Then we would tell him that the times of God’s pure words being on this Earth have ended and we would ask, why oh why did you not hold God’s words in your heart?

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The Image of the Beast Is In Every Home

“We are Keeping the People Safe!”  (article is coaded)

Screams the Home land high clearance secure I.T.y worker a D.H.S!  As he walks toward the new T.V. his wife just brought home and applies bandaids to three outgoing cameras on the device.   Oh wait.  They use the screen.  They don’t need a camera eye because it’s behind the screen.  If you want privacy unplug it and put a sheet or blanket over the entire spy device.


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“Died Suddenly” Produced by Stew Peters

Could we be wrong?  It’s always a possibility.  None of our articles are “thus sayeth The Lord”.  We are however lead by The Holy Spirit of God.  My own fear of losing readers is overcome by my will to show Truth as God leads.  This is article is not necessarily the opinion of Mike or Pastor Paul.  This particular article is written by an independent writer.  The administrators of the site want ALL VALID OPINIONS TO BE ADDRESSED HERE NOT LEAVING ANY STONE UNCOVERED.  It’s the reader who decides what is Truth.  If Mike and Pastor Paul were to cover this topic in any light it would likely cost them their channel.

Video not for sensitive people or children.  Graphic medical researcher shows cremator’s discoveries of lethal blood clots and vascular & arterial malignant tumors unlike any ever seen during cremations.  So much so that fluids can’t be pumped into the bodies for funeral preparations.  The scorpion sting torment of Rev. 9:5 is to know we cannot undo what we did by taking their poison. We were deceived.  And so we repent of doing what we thought was right.

Pale Horse Rides. The symbol on the pale riders helmet is the helmet of death. This is the symbol for the code of the back scene when translated into html. The three pronged pitch fork is the final symbol. Obtained from the demon/man covenant with many demons. In return mankind has altered God’s holy words in all ALL the books old and new.
Rev. 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot.

What Does 2023 Hold. What is Great Tribulation?

End of Days

Jazweeh’s predictions in a nutshell for the next 1-8 years approximately.  Depending on God’s shortening of the days. (prophecy)

The Days Are Shortened

Right now the days are already shortened for the 144. Literally shortened.  They get up.  They do a few things.  They do what they need to survive and then it’s time for sleep again.  The 144 and the chosen few now feel like they are in a time loop because their days are so short.

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“Pray Ye Escape the End of Days Tribulation”

Return in 2024 Around April 8

What I saw when looking with my back to the sun in the outer reflection of my sun glasses holding & pointing glasses behind me.

If the human has not sought out his/her Creator and searched for the meaning of life yet let me give the human the answers I my God gave me.  There is only one reason for humanity on Earth.  We must all choose our eternal homes.  All must choose.  Whether consciously or subconsciously we all make our choice of eternities home.  How??

By our choices and actions toward others.  By our efforts in finding our Creator & attaining our plan of Salvation’s Hope.  And by our words.  The links below will tell the human which one they are at present.  All Lions were once goats & wolves.  We do not know if there is time to change identities.  Time is late.

Goats, Wolves, Serpents.

Sheep, Lambs, Lions

An electrical arc is an electrical malfunction that happens when wires and systems can’t handle the amount of electro-current going through its system of lines.  The Sun’s Arc of God will occur in the new White Sun causing great disaster.  A solar panel can ark if you unplug it from batteries in full sun causing a burst of violet coronal discharge. (more explanation on corona discharge below)

Continue reading “DOOMSDAY REPORT October 2022”

The Fourth Angel Comes

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina is the same as the four angels in Revelation & The Fourth angel in Revelation 16:8.

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Who is the AntiChrist and False Prophet Who Gives Predictions?

Written by Angry Jane the Lone Scribe of God.  I could be wrong, but…..

False Prophet Candidate.  His name includes “War” and he is likely responsible for my wars for profit.
Bill Gates leaves Microsoft's board, stepping farther away from the tech giant he founded
Antichrist Candidate

Predicting more than just financial prophecy.

“Watching the Worst Holocaust Play Out”
A False Prophet Makes Predictions. Catholic Pope is off the table in that respect. But how about the richest man in the world who they call “The Oracle of Omaha”? And who did the Richest man put in power?

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