Rapture for the Gentiles! When?

Spread the Good News of the gospel of Jesus far and wide!

All who put their Faith in God shall eat from the tree of eternal life.

You can find my own testimony of Youtube at this link.


What does Jazweeh say about a rapture?

Gentiles will be raptured some time between April 2024 and seven years after that at the latest.

The vail over the Gentiles is a living vail and having it protects the wearer from seeing the Beast.  Looking into the eyes of the Beast is emotionally taxing. Therefore not all are prepared to see into the dark realms of the end of days.

So, being under the deception of the beast system doesn’t mean your not saved. 

“If it were possible even the elect would be deceived”.

The people cannot feel or see the veil which inhabits them.  They usually cannot see or feel the towers of babel influencing their thoughts.

If the Gentiles believers have just a mustard seed of Faith in God & Jesus they shall be saved!  So let’s talk about rapture for the Gentiles.  After all most believers are Gentiles not chosen few.  Make no mistake, if Jesus was not going to save the deceived only a scarce few would survive to see the promise of God.   There are too few people who are God’s army to say we are the only ones’ saved.  It’s just not true as far as we can tell by visions, dreams, and God’s promises.

God’s army follows their very heart’s voice.

Even those who have the mark of the Eagle on their foreheads still receive the promise as long as they have a mustard seed of Faith.  As far as God’s Holy Bible read, both pre and post desecration.


YES, YES, YES, put your Hope in God and He will NOT let you down.  Yes we see a rapture coming.  The Gentiles will be raptured when the Son/Sun of God arrives.  He will take them all up to a safe place.

The faithless will simply burn in the extreme Holy Light of God’s new Sun.  It’s that New Sun that will bring immortality to the chosen few and the Gentiles.  For it will be full of God’s presence, His Light of Life.

2Pe 3:8
“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

The Gentiles will have 1,000 years of sleep that will seem like its only one day.  And that one day will be drafted by their best day ever on this fallen Earth. Most people don’t really know their own heart.  And may not be able to identify which day was their best day on this Earth.

For instance I saw my Dad in his 1,000 days.  He had a really nice new house.  But he also went to work at a job he had when he was younger.  His heart loves that time.  And so that time will be his thousand days in sleep.

“Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed.”

It’s okay to be a Gentile because that means your saved from Death and Hell.  And it means your forgiven for all the mistakes and the mishaps of this treacherous Earth’s folly.

Keep Hope as your helmet of salvation.  Keep God’s promises to you in your heart.  Like John 3:16.  Replace the “should” with “SHALL”.

Your Spirit shall not perish but rather it has everlasting life.  Your Spirit holds within it all that is you.  You are one of a kind.  Pray from your heart when you pray to God.

All people are selfish we can be nothing else.  Even when we give charity we know we do it for the reason that “its better to give than to receive”.  WE WANT WHAT GOD HAS FOR US and there is nothing wrong with that.  He made us imperfect for a reason.  So we could overcome the flesh with Faith & Hope & Love.  And do good things in spite of our selfish nature.

You are right where you’re supposed to be!

The scribe writes the scary Truths for a reason.  It’s fear which motivates us to seek God with our whole heart.  And by fear we nurture either the flesh or the spirit man.  That is fear’s option.  For it’s not fear that is the enemy but rather it’s our reactions to fear which can be faithful or faithless.

It’s Israel who was chosen in the furnace of affliction.  It’s Israel who has already come out of both death and great tribulation.  It’s Israel who sees the miracles all around.  It’s Israel who see the great trib happening RIGHT NOW which the Gentiles are protected from.  It is possible with God for two realities taking place at one time on this Earth.  We already endured Jacob’s troubles….nearly to the end.  As for the date…

IF the Gentiles are not going to have their tribulation whatsoever then they will be raptured with the elect in 2024.  If God chooses to grant them the gift of desperation by tribulation so more will be save THEN the rapture won’t happen until 2030 or 2031 for the Gentiles.  The elect of God are likely leaving in 2024 when God takes His Holy Spirit from Earth.


Continue reading “Rapture for the Gentiles! When?”

End Times Encouragement for the Chosen Few of God

The Wise Shall Understand the rest will not see.

From the Heart of the Seer comes God’s Truth.

They shall learn who they are.  And mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not falter, they shall crush & overcome the serpent by talents of God Almighty.  And by the breath of God with their Breathren they stand firm on foundations of God by FAITH & of HOPE.

Continue reading “End Times Encouragement for the Chosen Few of God”

Sin, Marriage, Spiritual Bondage, & Sex


How dare the Beast system require a “License of law” for my vows and choices of bride or partner.

The eyes are the window to the soul.  Turn your eyes from the woman/man lest they enslave you to their whiles and ways during the spiritually vulnerable state of sexual submission.

Relationships 101

Make clear your intentions prior to sex.  Let the partner know you take no vows of ownership or bondage to slavery.  Let them know you charge no fees or payback for sex.  If you feel you have the right to demand ownership once a woman gives of her body your deceived.  Make certain the partner knows you have no intention of bondage or control following sex.  And look away from the eyes during sex if you want to remain free of the spells of lust.

It’s better to pay for sex than to go into spiritual bondage for it.  At least the prostitute engages Truth and a fair trade does not come by the horse who carries the deceptive scales of no fairness in trade.  


The woman who makes demands upon a man who promised nothing should have made her price clear before she gave her body to the man.  Or visa versa men/women women/men.  Both often people show grotesque symptoms of dysfunctional oppression & controlling patterns of behavior after sex.  They learn it from the Image of the Beast who sells bondage as being “Love”.

The beast system at large, made marriage a legal mind controlling deception for one reason, no two reasons…bondage & money.  The dark lord puts you in bondage unless you pay to be released.  And it has the audacity to say sex is sin unless the beast contones it financially.

That makes the Beast their god, yet they know no better it is common law.  But now the Children of God are set free from the laws of sin and bondage.

“Him who the Son of God sets free is free indeed.”

Even now as I write, the laws of Abraham are fulfilled by Jesus of the Tribe of Judah.  Law is done.  Law now comes crashing down like burned ambers of ashes from a fire that made men dead.   And the laws put them in bondage to its karma and to its words of Legion by profession & belief of those words.

Is Sex Bad?

Is sex bad?  No but it is a form of a vow by actions of the flesh if not done in emotional and spiritual transparency & Truth.

What is Love?  True spiritual Love had little to do with sex, passion, lust, & desire.

Spiritual Love is to show an action toward a person that is kind and giving.  The action of encouragement, & charity, or helps, & Truth and above all Respect for others to treat them as you would want to be treated in the same circumstance. Help others and do not harm.  This is true Love’s Creed.

So then what is all this sex stuff about?  Besides giving seed to the woman so she can produce your heritage.


Heritage is the primary reason for sex.  Heritage is of much more value than any of us knew until it was stolen from most of the earth’s people by deception and fear.

Both the gift/Crown of Life from God and our Heritage of family are SACRED entities of spiritual magnitude.  Held in our bloodlines.  Esau gave away his birthright which was far more valuable than he knew.

Our Heritage Harnesses Much of Our Spiritual Strength

Our family stands tall for us in Heavenly places.  Our Mothers and Fathers throughout time and place stand in Heaven to make intercession for us.

Why?  So we achieve our spiritual goals. So we can gain the Holy Grail and more.

The Holy Grail is to know one’s Spiritual purpose in Life.  It is a long journey.  A life long path which shows the man what he needs to know about God and the way of the Gods.


When the woman casts her eyes on the man during sex he is highly vulnerable to her wiles and control.  If she is oppressive she can draw him into bondage by her eyes and flesh of enjoyment & vulnerability.

Warning-Do not have sex unless you are ready.  Do not bind with a contentious woman or oppressive men.  Repent of them all lest they carry your soul to Hell’s destiny as one.

Personally I do not want to be joined with anyone in flesh.  Furthermore this is exactly why the wise men refrained from such activities and are celibate.  It was always celibacy in the description of the 144,000.  Not “virgins” as is now in the desecrated bibles.

Mankind can scarcely take the prodigal walk of deep spiritual learning by dark experiences & unwavering folly without engaging & exploring sexual sin.  Scarcely is this done.  The wise man who knows nothing of sex, restraint, and sexual appetite still has much to learn of wisdom and self control.

Wise men learn from their mistakes and from their experiences.  No experience fewer lessons.

True Empathic Love and Respect are godly Traits which Deny Lust and Control.

The 144,000 warriors are on Earth and have been celibate for a long time.  This gives them a spiritual edge by their resistance of the fleshly appetites.  If you met one of them now they would tell you that to them sex is vile and they want no part of it.  Growing spiritually pulls the flesh out of the cesspool of desire.


Still sex is not a sin typically unless someone is hurt by it.  Nor is sex a stamp of ownership over anyone.  No one owes because of it. Unless an agreement is made for money.  It’s better to pay for sex than to be in bondage to it with a contentious woman or a controlling oppressive man.  Marriage is bondage in some ways and to some cases.

Men tend to believe that once a woman has sex with them, they now own that woman and her rights to freedom.  Slavery is what this is called.  Therefore be very careful with whom ye hand your flesh to.

It is better to not vow a vow than to vow and then break it.  Screw the vow and screw the legal system of the beast.  Who is the beast to tell you that if it says so your not sinning.  Or that you can only have sex if the entity of the beast says so.  Is the beast system your cornerstone of morality? And if so you are betrayed and know not The One True God of honor and Truth who blesses the coming together of two people who employ Love and Respect over lust and control.

Continue reading “Sin, Marriage, Spiritual Bondage, & Sex”


Judging by biblical redundancy rapture is one of God’s ways of teaching us through difficulties.  By it we grow our Faith.


The Story of Lot

“Days of Noah days of Lot” is written in the books.  Even though “as the days of Lot” is new…not all new script (tower of babble rewrites) are lies.  The days of Noah are defined by me as being rescued.  Noah was rescued by God from disaster on Earth.  What else?  Noah was perfect in his generations.  He didn’t desecrate his own DNA.    He did not inject beast proteins into his body with “purified” cancer cells.

Continue reading “RAPTURE”