Alleged-Gene Oh Side In All the Earth

Naomi Wolf Investigative Reporter on Youtube channel blckbx

Watch on youtube “If Europe does not wake up, you will all be dead says Naomi Wolf author of “Facing the Beast”

The poison is in the cure.  She says it’s only the U.S. that has fallen prey to the events of Gene oh side.  However I don’t believe that for a minute.

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The Sun/Son of God Event A Plasma Apocalypse Is On the Way

Similar Article What will the Millenium be Like?

“Who shall be able to stand?” When Jesus returns in the Heavens on the Eastern Rise.

When Jesus returns in the Heavens on the Eastern Rise.  His glory will annihilate those who are not purified and made white.  Chose are called to seed, chronicle, and clean up (dispose of latent demonic presence due to the A.C. bloodline in so many who took the mark.) the New Earth.

Rapture/Lake of Fire/Transfiguration of the chosen few, will ALL happen at the same time pretty much.  Three events/one event simultaneous.  God is NOT predictable.  04-08-2024 thru June’s end is the predicted estimated date given on in 2018.  It has not changed



The full picture of the coming plasma apocalypse was delayed until April 8th 2024 or there about.  The details of the coming Earth apocalypse and vehement flame which will melt away most flesh on Earth in an instant was a mystery.   Details were withheld to protect the 144.   While they grew their emotional security and walked through their purification of body, mind, soul cleansing of their being.   By trials of fire we grow spiritually.

Until now we didn’t know how the end would come. We didn’t know if we would leave this Earth or stay and survive.  We didn’t know if we would be upgraded in body and mind or if we had to die again.  We just didn’t know the details.

Daniel 12:10
“some shall be purified and made white but the wicked shall not understand or see.”

The full picture of the coming apocalypse was withheld from the Seer Jazweeh.  But as the Christians wait for their fiery rapture the 144,000 chosen of God are called & chosen to walk the coming New Earth after Earth’s purification.  The 144 are now finally ready emotionally, physically and mentally to carry out their next calling of God.

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Jesus is Savior of the Lost, Sick, & Oppressed

Gentiles & Israel the 144

Jesus came for the sick and downhearted.  For those who are well do not need a savior.
Do they?

For God so Loves the people of Earth that He sent His only begotten Son “The Word of God” to us.  That whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting Life.
He sent Jesus with The Holy Spirit for us to also overcome death and Hell.  Jesus also brought us God’s Truth in words.  But in this dark new reality His words are fading fast from the books on Earth.  Magic, & Unawares, unawares.

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