Great Tribulation Is Here in Stealth


Eschatology (Eschatological)

1. : a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind. 2. : a belief concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humankind.


The day of the crow the few now know
Tally ho tally ho bummel and blow dare not we go?
Dividing of time…two times now seen but not by those yet in a dream
yet in a dream.

Some wide awake they see the snake
shutter not to look to the black of deep
eye of the beast.

Tally ho tally ho sugar and doe sugar and doe.
By friend or foe the one shall go
by dark or light label them right. Label them right.
Blind or sight sweet cream or blight but they remember what is right.

Dim not thy sight of right.

Truth or lies screams or cries.
Tally your prize of dust and lust
or trust with the just.

Day of the crow the Dark Lord proclaims.
Yet is he night and leaves a great stain to eyes and heart.
Read read, read read & let the reader remember, please good soul,
Let the reader remember!

slip into thy banner with sleight & blight.
Call the banner of sweet sweet cream.
Believe it all as if in a dream, scheme scheme.

In dreamy deception the many do choose by memory disguised memory compromised.
unawares unawares the first temple turns black
unawares unawares morbid and slack the words are trimmed the words are skimmed to fit and sit in minds of men unawares.

Remember remember by Babel the words fetched & etched to souls unheard.
Remember remember forget forget Babel with help delete the debt of heart.

Broken within broken within the first desecration the sewing of whim again again.
Memory memory only by heart only by heart with Truth paints the Art.

The second desecration read it without it trims them within by words they shout.
By words by words they claim no doubt nary a doubt.

Eternal Hope bows away replaced replaced by stubble & hay their day of knowing.
Light words gone dark. Dark words called light and plight turns to flight.
Oh what a sight what a sight in the night of the Crow.
It’s babel you know.

Trials Trials Stubble & Hay open the books and make them say stubble and hay!

Stubble and hay stubble and hay “the great falling away” came by stubble and hay.
Dream your dream of further night sitting in the scheme of Dark Lord’s blight.
Read whats wrong to see what’s right without a fight.

LET NOT! Let not the reader understand lest his hand pick up the trodding sand of two times.
Divide the times the separation true divide the reality of me from you …divide divide.
Unto unto two times we knew two times ensue.

Cracked straight through now Blind of truth they shuffle.
Pay a dime open the book & swim the lake of grime.

And what lies beneath God’s sacred Truth…trodden trodden girth and puke they vomit.

Holy Holy are God’s sacred words now secret now secret ones they heard but gone gone gone.
The Iron Rod’s pawn their words are gone.
Trodden trodden men absurd they are heard by their Dark Lord’s word.
Gird for words of babel and break babel and break babel and break.
Of Sapphire curd the words absurd yet honored.
Sodder and twine, sodder and twin a move of time.

By two desecrations evil is honored evil is honored.
By desecration the Dark Lord takes their cake.
By desecration a vital mistake is commenced.
Lost, lost to indications of the heart which simply..
never really Loved God’s beautiful Truth.

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