Sell Your Gold Now!
Check Gold Chart Here Rise & Fall
Yes Paul Begley consistently promotes gold investing. He does not agree with the predictions of Jazweeh. He believes that gold is the safest place to put your money. But what is Gold really good for besides making trinkets of value that will last a very long time? In hard times of famine and poverty at least they will look good with their vanity in tact eh?
Just like the cryptocurrency scam of 2021 thereabout….the image of the beast drew in the little people to invest their hard earned real money. For four years up unto the present (2024) record numbers of gold have been purchased and sold. Likely more gold sales than ever before.
Who is buying and who is selling? Gog submits to us that it’s the banks which are buying gold at break neck pace. Gog the tech giant lies like Hell of course. It’s the little people who have endured to watch & hear over and over the ads to buy gold.
Know the beast system by who they show you they are. Not by who they tell you they are on the image of the beast (cell/tv). Gold will crash. And they will say the representative numbers on the screen just changed and the millions lost by the working class simply evaporated.
Make no mistake….the beast placed it’s bets just in time. And the beast makes it’s plans ahead of time with patience.
“They will throw their gold into the streets” Ezekiel 7:19.
Who will throw their gold into the streets Ezekiel? Those who profited from the flexuation of prices? Or those who lost their money and are stuck with pennies on the dollar of a metal they cannot forge?
The gold plunge is coming very very soon. Food will be worth more than gold even though they are making most food unclean/toxic and artificial spraying plastic on produce. Changing the genome of crops so it can withstand more and more poisons sprayed on it.
“If He did not shorten those days no flesh would survive, for the elects sake those days shall be shortened.” (the great tribulation). Mathew 24:22
The many have no idea that they are in the great tribulation because they simply cannot see the Gene oh side all around them.
God protects His chosen. And I am very likely a prophet of doom persay….I met the Lion in the cave who granted me the gift of foresight & wisdom over prophecies of old.
Link to “Killer of Worlds”
(Killer of worlds article link below)
Look Familiar?
The pose Trump and his associates took was very much orchestrated and practiced ….no doubt.
+ Plus this
= Equals this Trump’s famous monument reenactment.
Killer of Worlds Diabolical Scheme- Genetic Mutation of ALL OF MANKIND
Alleged-Gene Oh Side In All the Earth
Naomi Wolf Investigative Reporter on Youtube channel blckbx
Watch on youtube “If Europe does not wake up, you will all be dead says Naomi Wolf author of “Facing the Beast”
The poison is in the cure. She says it’s only the U.S. that has fallen prey to the events of Gene oh side. However I don’t believe that for a minute.
New Jesus Vs. True Jesus. Blood Gospel/True Gospel
SIDENOTE: Mike from around the world spoke of the “red dust” in his last begley interview titled “Breaking Aler: “Yellowstone Prophecy” / on youtube. Here is my prediction about the red dust which I wrote years ago.
See the Video on the Four Sacred Revelation Angels. Also called the Red Kachina & Blue Kachina
An Angry Jane article. Short version of Salvation
Scroll to bottom to see how to really be Saved by Faith in God.
Verse of the day Isaiah 11:6 (Lion & Lamb magically changes to Lamb & Wolf) Verse #2 is Amos 11:6 the famine of God’s words on Earth.
The Lion of Judah Jesus the Son of God no longer lies with the lambs. He has left both the churches and the holy books. He has gone to prepare a place for His sheep who know His voice.
“A greedy and idolatrous bloodline seek a sign. But no sign is given to them except the miraculous sign of the many watchmen on the image of the beast TV.
The end of days sign of Jonah the watchmen. For just as Jonah warned the masses so too we have an array of Watchmen proclaiming Jesus’ return. THE WATCHMEN ARE THE SIGN OF JONAH FOR OUR TIME.
Continue reading “New Jesus Vs. True Jesus. Blood Gospel/True Gospel”
Mike From Around the World-Council of Time
AN ARTICLE ABOUT THE PRESENT DAY STRONG DELUSION. Unbelievers beware! Mikefromaroundtheworld does not promote these ideas.
It appears that Mike has a new channel with no host or presenter. It’s called “Daily Excellence” on Youtube. However there are commercials you can skip after 5-7 seconds.
I have always avoided the invasion of commercials but I don’t blame Mike for adding in commercials.
Things Mike is not allowed to say out loud or just doesn’t see. Gentiles are not the elect. And the elect are not Gentiles. Though we thought we were for years.
Continue reading “Mike From Around the World-Council of Time”
Zombie Apocalypse In Real Time
Shape Shifting Serpent Demons are Here Now!
Apparently they are painless. They are in plain sight and yet invisible. They are feeding on human eye sockets. They attached to the forehead spiritual mark of the beast. They feed on lies and folly. They are ruled by Apollyon the god of the realm of darkness. And they will render men’s minds and hearts desolate. Desolate of God’s True, Hope, Faith eternal. Desolate of joy. If they took the back scene they are walking dead. Their Spirit of God has left them replaced with a dead man’s spirit. They will be burned either for purification to be saved & sleep for 1,000 years as a day. Or to the true death of the soul.
Zombie Apocalypse. Shape Shifting Parasite Serpent Creatures
BREAKING: “Plasma Wave to Hit Earth” Mike From Around World
What They Are Not Telling Us About Solar Storms. How They Affect Human Beings.
“And in the final days mankind shall fear that which is on high.” Proverbs
King James Bible
“Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets”.
Besides fluffy Northern lights and wondrous concepts of “kool”.
WARNING. The Sun will likely evolve into a complete ball of fire. But that’s just a theory. Nevertheless it’s not going to revert back to a normal sun. It will progress getting hotter and hotter.
This is the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Why? So mankind will finally seek God with extreme effort. The good news you have eternal life IF you want it.
Don’t go out into direct sunlight on the high corona discharge days. Times when they report Coronal Mass Ejections and sun spot warnings. Why? This Sun problem is serious. And it’s why the they’s invented “Corona Virus”. It’s not a virus it’s LUNG BURN. It will knock you into the bed for two or three days. And you will feel the burning in your lungs. I made that mistake yesterday even though I had this theory from the start in 2021 thereabout.
A coronal mass ejection (CME) is an explosive outburst of plasma from the Sun. The blast of a CME carries about a billion tons of material out from the Sun at very high speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second.
A coronal mass ejection (CME) with a prominence eruption viewed from two instruments at NCAR’s HAO Mauna Loa Solar Observatory on July 2, 2015.
A CME contains particle radiation (mostly protons and electrons) and powerful magnetic fields stronger than what is normally present in the solar wind. These blasts originate in magnetically disturbed regions of the Sun’s upper atmosphere, or corona. Researchers monitor activity in the corona using coronagraphs, which block out the view of the bright solar disk and allow us to see what is happening in the solar atmosphere.
Our newest theory about the apocalypse. OUR SUN HAS MORPHED INTO A WHITE DWARF stage of life. IT WILL BLOW. IT MAY BE BECOMING A NEUTRON STAR AS Rockstarpreacher mentions. Judging by much of the info on his channel, Rockstar preacher seems to have broken free from much of the mainstream mind control data.
Do you remember (most don’t their brains wiped & memory hijacked. Or they are too young to remember.) when the Sun of God was YELLOW, SOFT, COMFORTING, AND YOU COULD SPEND THE WHOLE DAY IN IT? If you did that now it would nearly kill you. The white dwarf sun burns like a tanning booth. And there is not soothing Spirit in that “Sun of Man”.
Info on White dwarfs and supernova stars.
Paul Begley & Mike’s Plasma Event Video Link
A white dwarf is an electron degenerate object, while a neutron star is a neutron degenerate object. A white dwarf has a larger radius and is much less dense than a neutron star. All white dwarfs are less than 1.4 MSun while neutron stars are between 1.4 and 3 MSun.
What comes first a neutron star or a white dwarf?
Stars like our Sun leave behind white dwarfs: Earth-size remnants of the original star’s core. More massive stars explode as supernovas, while their cores collapse into neutron stars: ultra-dense, fast-spinning spheres made of the same ingredients as the nucleus of an atom.
What the Hell is Plasma Anyway?
Here’s the accurate definition the they’s try to hide… usually.
Plasma is an electrically charged gas. Because plasma particles have an electrical charge, they are affected by electrical and magnetic fields. This is the main difference between a gas and plasma.
Here’s the Definition to confuse you:
“Plasma is one of four fundamental states of matter characterized by the presence of a significant portion of charged particles in any combination of ions or electrons.”
Here’s the paraphrased definition of plasma.
What does that mean? Simply put-“electrified gases”. If a cloud, for instance is full of charged particles then its a gathering of coherent gaseous ions/electrons hence plasma.
What type of radiation does plasma emit?
Electric micro-fields present in the plasma result in bremsstrahlung emission by plasma electrons. External radiation fields interacting with the plasma give rise to scattered radiation. Charged particles moving in magnetic fields emit cyclotron or synchrotron radiation, depending on the energy range of the particles.
Now let’s explore the Important definitions of Radiation. Other Important information the elite neglected to teach us in school.
Natural & Man Made Radiation.
Radiation is energy, in the form of particles or electromagnetic rays, released from radioactive atoms. The three most common types of radiation are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays.
Color & light are radiation. Therefore radiation is also ‘life’ in some ways. When the Son/Sun of God returns it will be in the form of a new eternal life giving SUN & His Spirit with a New Magical Nature. A nature that doesn’t have to protect itself from humans by growing thorns and thistles/poisons and briars. My vision of the New Earth is powerful. But as always please know I could be wrong.
Bible Changes
CAN WE HANDLE THE FOLLOWING SUPERNATURAL TRUTH? Most cannot. The towers of babble began their works prior to 2006 when the Lion of Judah left Isaiah 11:6. And the Dark Lord took control of all babbles on Earth. They chose the lies so He left them to the wolves. Now the wolf lies with the lambs…not the lion (quite literally both in the books and in real time due to the Locust infestation….unawares unawares).
Did you Know that all Bibles magically Changed from “Son of God” to “Son of man” in many scripts? A demotion of terms an insult to God’s Son. Blasphemy at best. I believe that we are now in the beast system because man’s imposter of a sun is ruling the day.
Genesess 1:16 (Do you remember when it was spelled that way?)
“The Sun rules the day.” When God’s Son went to prepare a place for us His ‘Sun of God’ went dim as prophesied. (that script may no longer exist)
Sun of Man vs. Sun of God.
Mankind was destined to save the trees and green grass and plants. They invented their fake radiation and a magnetic plasma electron “sun of man”. Saving the green trees & grass as prophesied again.
It was hoisted into the magnetic solar field. And took its place with the stars. For now. But it’s way too hot and way to bright. The process of a normal God given star takes much longer to degrade into a white dwarf. The sun of man is getting more and more deadly every day. They had to spray our skies years on end with fake clouds (chemtrails) to protect us and them from their malfunctioning artificial plasma sun of man. For 20 years they have chemtrailed with passion & diligence. Not missing a beat. Around 2012 the fake sun was erected.
“Do not hurt the trees or the grass until we seal all of the chosen” prophecy paraphrased. Mankind. The they’s saved the Earth from becoming the red forest of ionized trees an grass. Have you seen how their sun of man turns plants red? Plants turn red to survive overexposure to radiation….light & color. It’s radiation oxidation of plant life sparsely happening now. They had to chemtrail. But why didn’t they chem trail on the worst Sun of man days? This week? Your guess is as good as mine.
Coherent light (like a lazer beam) is unnatural radiation/man made. I have pictures I took of the sun showing coherent light beams. That’s how I know (besides my sun of man dream) that our hot white sun is the “Sun of man” not the “Sun of God.” Because God’s sun doesn’t kram protons together making every sun ray a deadly lazer beam.
The Sun of God doesn’t emit coherent lazer light rays. But there is misinformation out there so if you validate this truth go to the scholarly science articles. Gog will lie about it.
But the Sun of man is another topic.
Hopped Up Man Made Radiation VS. Naturally Occurring Radiation
Naturally occurring radioactive elements such as carbon, potassium, uranium, thorium, and radium can be found in the soil and find their way into our food and drinking water and can be ingested. You can also ingest radon through the water supply. However, ingesting radon poses less of a threat than inhaling it.
Radiation & Frequency go hand in hand. Since everything has it’s own frequency. But some frequencies are lethal and others are good.
Sound frequencies or “waves” can be lethal. 240 decibels can make the head explode, so they say. Ask anyone who lived near grossly destructive power lines and electrical transformers. They hail electricity. But had they not covered our Earth with their devices we would live in a much different place of fire and peace. Electricity is deadly. Sleeping next to a circuit breaker box is a real bad idea. Mobile homes are famous for putting dangerous electrical boxes in high human traffic areas. My meter shows the strongest frequencies in my home are electrical. However the cell towers…have you ever looked at the monolithic monstrosity of wires connected to cell towers? These are toxic towers of babble that download straight to the brain/memory deception.
How do I know? Because not all of us are getting the uploads of lies. CERN is also engaged in mind control and changing history by rewrites. They don’t have to travel back in time….they are rewriting it.
Hence deceptive signs and wonders…some remember true history and some do not.
The sleep time frequencies running through the airways are now SO LOUD I can hear into the IS. As the people at CERN rewrite our realities one keystroke at a time.
Back to the Radiation Topic
You see good radiation is naturally occurring deep deep deep underground safe and sound where it should be untouched by mankind. Or high in the cosmos Gamma rays which happen as shining stars. They call it terrestrial radiation Cosmic Terrestrial.
Uranium was formed by supernova events billions of years ago, prior to the formation of our solar system. Today, its slow radioactive decay provides the main source of heat inside the earth’s crust.
Uranium is weakly radioactive and contributes to low levels of natural background radiation. The majority of background radiation occurs naturally and a small fraction comes from man-made elements. in the environment. Uranium is used in nuclear power generation
Wikipedia › wiki › Cyclotron
A cyclotron is a type of particle accelerator invented by Ernest Lawrence in 1929–1930 at the University of California, Berkeley, and patented in 1932.
Cyclotron radiation · Cyclotron resonance · Synchrotron · Particle therapy
Unnatural “Cyclotron radiation” is electromagnetic radiation emitted by non-relativistic accelerating charged particles deflected by a magnetic field.
“It’s actually a particle accelerator, a machine that uses electromagnetic fields to propel charged particles to very high speeds and energies, used to produce radioisotopes for a type of medical drugs called radiopharmaceuticals, which diagnose and treat cancer.”
Just a Theory.
They say they measure the Sun’s C.M.E. coronal mass ejections and solar flare activity. What if the they’s are covering up the emf of their particle accelerators on Earth with all this sun EMF activity that’s affecting Earth by massive EMF upticks. Various organizations have research capabilities & records of Earthbound emf charts and graphs, by devices that follow daily emf readings. The Sun’s activity is being advertised at length on many channels & .gov websites.
Wake up call! New Jesus vs. The Real Jesus. Son of God or Son of Man? We were warned in the previous bible not to follow the new Jesus. We were warned that deception would be world wide. And that few would escape the deceptive signs and wonders. Only a few of us know what the towers of babble are doing to our reality. Its not as easy to watch magic occur all around us as we thought it would be. Especially when we cannot get through to any of the Gentiles much less unbelievers. God's miracles are signs and wonders and the Dark Lord's miracles are deceptive signs and wonders. Both categories are miraculous to watch. They are here now. Normies sometimes see the Mandela effects/miracles in plain sight. Many Christians claim to believe in God. But when faced with the magic of God they run the other way. They never believed in the healing preachers or the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Not the supernatural one's. Those who are given to Jesus have walked the Way of the supernatural for all their lives. They searched for God in places that nearly ...well not "nearly" it did kill them. They were revived/resurrected delivered, healed, & changed. They be became the clay in HIs hands. They fell again and were RE-delivered after their prodigal walk through treacherous places. This is how they know the depths of God's Love & Grace for them. Not all have walked The Way of seeking God Almighty. Not all became who they really are. Not all know their own heart. But all the Gentiles & unbelievers need do is pray with their might by their heart in Truth and seek God & Jesus to find Him and to be saved. That's the promise. God is not easy. If the manys prayers are shallow so too is his knowledge of God.
Types of Radiation References
Coronal Mass Ejection Source Link Info
The Meaning/Reason of Human Life On Earth
WHY AM I HERE? Answers for a Video.
What are the most important tasks for me to accomplish on Earth?
With God’s help become who I really am by finding and following my true heart.
Take inventory of my shortcomings to work toward overcoming.
Continue reading “The Meaning/Reason of Human Life On Earth”
Open Your Eyes Little Ones
The watchmen seem to think the elites still fight wars with guns and soldiers.
However it’s not a salvation issue that they must see the miracles all around us.
It’s not 1950 anymore. These serpents wage war in stealth by secret.
The Sun/Son of God Will Bring Immortality To Mankind & Nature
These are not the opinions of Mike or Pastor Begley. This article is the writing of the Seer Jazweeh. She is author and believer in Jesus/and God Almighty born again in 1986 and received The Baptism of The Holy Spirit in 1989. We welcome her with an open mind. We like to give others a change to proclaim the truth as they see it. Keep what your heart proclaims as Truth.
The Son of God’s presence will fill the Earth by God’s New Sun. His New Nature will grow vibrantly. Fruit of the Earth for the children of the Sun/Son as God intends. Not a nature that has to fight to survive by growing thorns and thistles due to mankind’s violent disrespect and negligence of plant life on Earth.
Continue reading “The Sun/Son of God Will Bring Immortality To Mankind & Nature”
Popular Preachers Are Wrong Regarding Prophecy Fulfillments
The preachers can say the words of the end of days prophecies. And yet even though their words are Truth understanding & wisdom is absent. How can they stand on Youtube and proclaim end of days facts yet not understand their own words of Truth?
Continue reading “Popular Preachers Are Wrong Regarding Prophecy Fulfillments”
Bringer of Death Passover Event Black Storm
Is Passover also three days of darkness?
Today I saw a vision of a black cloud storm. An unstopable black haze that destroys most of mankind in its wake. It will overtake all of the Earth with darkness. Killing everyone in its path & still commit no crime. How? The Dark Angels are ordained of God for the harvest of souls. Just as the Passover was depicted in the Bibles before the desecration of the holy place(God’s words changed on Earth but forever set in Heaven.
A few days later I heard this statement by one who prophesied unawares. “They are awakening Azrael the Angel of Death.”
“Azrael is the angel of death in some Abrahamic religions, namely Islam and Christian popular culture. Relative to similar concepts of such beings, Azrael holds a benevolent role as God’s angel of death; he acts as a psychopomp, responsible for transporting the souls of the deceased after their death.” Wikipedia
Predicted to occur approximately April thru Junes’ end 2024
Today the Death Angel marked it’s path over the Earth. Few have the seal of God and the Passover Seal posted on their wall. The Alpha, The Omega, The Beginning, and The End.
The reapers are called “Death”. They will travel inside the black storm like a cloud of dust. Turning those to be harvested to red dust as their spirits leave their bodies for judgement. There are six basic possible outcomes that we surmise once a man meets the Death Angel. The only ones who will not be harvested by the Death Angel are the 144,000. Why? The 144 have a job to do in preparing the New Earth and New Nature for the coming Gentiles after their 1,000 year sleep (that will seem as one day).
1.Rapture & Sleep for 1,000 years to awaken to paradise New Earth.
2.Rapture and awaken to Heaven above in the realm of The Creator of Earth and mankind.
3. Be passed over to seed the New Earth Paradise (The Promise land) possibly by Way of Heaven. 144 are called to walk the Earth for 1,000 years to chronicle and learn the wonders. And be better prepared as guardians of The New Earth.
5.Bondage and suffering in Hell the place of punishment per judgement.
6. Crash into the Lake of Fire where the soul is ended unto nothingness.
7.Awaken to Hell & eternal life in the sins and lies they prefer. The children of darkness desire darkness.
“You are a child of your father the devil.” Not all are children of the God of Light and Love.
“Not all shall sleep but we shall ALL be changed in the twinkling of the eye and in a moment at the last trump.”
The date above of the Rapture is an educated GUESS. Harvest of humans on Earth will be three Events in one.
Hypothesis Examples of Salvation or Lack Thereof.
1. Eternal Death by Lake of Fire for goats who know no god.
2. Rapture for believers in God. These believers are saved by Jesus & God the Father who accepts His plan of salvation. Jesus knows them. Also those saved from the Lake of Fire by Faith in God alone, the Creator God is Love.
2A. Those who are Gentiles and not “the elect, chosen few” those who pray to God and proclaim Jesus yet don’t really know Him will be raptured to the 1,000 years as is one day of sweet sleep. When they are awoken they will have the honor of going to the New Earth.
2B. The chosen few (spiritual Israel) will be raptured one way or another. Possibly during passover. If the vision is correctly interpreted. Just in the nick of time. They will be taken up and also taken to the New Earth as soon as that’s possible. The chosen will seed & chronicle the Wonderful New Earth. They will be transfigured to better bodies. They will watch the Sun/Son of God rise in the Eastern sky. They will be able to stand in His Light due to purification and God’s Holy Grace. If your one of these 144,000 your already yearning for the New Earth or Home.
3. Gentiles will not suffer punishment or suffering at harvest time. They are to be raptured unto a long sleep while God prepares the New Earth. One day as a thousand days. It will seem like one day to Gentiles but it will be 100 lifetimes to the 144 seeding the New Earth. “Seeding” just means doing whatever needs done in preparation for the coming saved to abide on Earth.
4. The dark souls who have a god of darkness and will spend their eternity in the world below. They are saved by Faith in their Dark Lord. These are children of the Dark Lord from their inception. Their heart doesn’t yearn for the God of Light because He is not their Father.
Others will go to Hell as a punishment.
John 8:44
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
5. The majority of those in bunkers and caves will not survive. Those who are in certain high end elite billionaire caves may survive for a time. But they will not be permitted to reinfect the New Earth with their lies and poisons. If they have an eternal god they may continue on to Hell. But the lake of fire will be the end of all for the worst of the worst greedy & genocidal rulers of the fallen Earth.
“Mar 9:42
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”
6. Of course there is salvation for some by unforeseen variables of which only God Himself is aware of at this juncture. For God looks upon the heart and many will be surprised in that day of the New World at who is saved and moreover surprised at who wasn’t saved.
These hypothesised predictions are all coming from the Spirit within Jazweeh the See-er. She is human and could be wrong. But The Spirit of God does not lie.
Continue reading “Bringer of Death Passover Event Black Storm”
Dream Identity The Holy Grail
The Holy Grail a Testimony of Truth
The will to be in the will of God is strong in those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. And they shall be filled.
On my journey of treachery and pain with it’s ecstasy and insanity I stopped and was brought into the wilderness by God Almighty. I came into a safe haven of peace and security. Oh yes I was scared after leaving my comfortable existence of kaos and blinding emotional pain. In that haven I found the holy grail. I found my own heart, though it was buried under an array of character flaws. My heart at that time was deplete I relied on agonizing knee jerk emotional defense moves. And the lie was my bedfellow.
After the dream below which occurred around 2007 the Truth of my identity both who I was and WHY I was came rushing in like a freight train of self-awareness. After that truth I was never the same.
How Big Business Took Over the World
I see a diabolical level of spiritual dark greed encompassing to steal man’s sovereign liberty. To look into the face of the beast is to see the result of an unrelenting hate for mankind. A level of greed which owns no morality. No Love no empathy no care no conscience no guilt no shame, remorse, or regret. The beast is pure evil and it’s ruling on the Earth now. But only for a short time.
His time is short.
The Sun/Son of God Event A Plasma Apocalypse Is On the Way
Similar Article What will the Millenium be Like?
“Who shall be able to stand?” When Jesus returns in the Heavens on the Eastern Rise.
When Jesus returns in the Heavens on the Eastern Rise. His glory will annihilate those who are not purified and made white. Chose are called to seed, chronicle, and clean up (dispose of latent demonic presence due to the A.C. bloodline in so many who took the mark.) the New Earth.
Rapture/Lake of Fire/Transfiguration of the chosen few, will ALL happen at the same time pretty much. Three events/one event simultaneous. God is NOT predictable. 04-08-2024 thru June’s end is the predicted estimated date given on in 2018. It has not changed
The full picture of the coming plasma apocalypse was delayed until April 8th 2024 or there about. The details of the coming Earth apocalypse and vehement flame which will melt away most flesh on Earth in an instant was a mystery. Details were withheld to protect the 144. While they grew their emotional security and walked through their purification of body, mind, soul cleansing of their being. By trials of fire we grow spiritually.
Until now we didn’t know how the end would come. We didn’t know if we would leave this Earth or stay and survive. We didn’t know if we would be upgraded in body and mind or if we had to die again. We just didn’t know the details.
Daniel 12:10
“some shall be purified and made white but the wicked shall not understand or see.”
The full picture of the coming apocalypse was withheld from the Seer Jazweeh. But as the Christians wait for their fiery rapture the 144,000 chosen of God are called & chosen to walk the coming New Earth after Earth’s purification. The 144 are now finally ready emotionally, physically and mentally to carry out their next calling of God.
Continue reading “The Sun/Son of God Event A Plasma Apocalypse Is On the Way”
AntiChrist & False Prophet Exposed
Popes don’t prophecy. Prophets make predictions. Programing propaganda says popes and presidents and all THE antichrist & false prophet. Politicians on TV (image of the beast) are actors. Billionaires on the other hand have the money to destroy the Earth and have.
The Anti-Christ Has Clearly Revealed Himself as Billy-Goat Gates whose mommy’s name is “Mary” of course. And the False Prophet is clearly War-on the Chinese food Buffet. (I apologize 4-code)
The Gates of Hell shall NOT prevail against the children of God.
Great Tribulation Is Here in Stealth
Eschatology (Eschatological)
1. : a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind. 2. : a belief concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humankind.
I Tell You Mysteries You Won’t Learn this at Seminary.
Netflix recommended watch. “Sandman”is one of the most intriguing shows of the last 20 years.
Some say the bibles are god, calling them perfect, and that the books cannot be changed. Yet they are made by man’s hands and full of blatant lies. And God foretold the famine of His words on Earth in Amos 8:11 & 12.
God’s True words are forever set in The Heavens and in the hearts of those who Love His Truth. We understand that we are in the end of days. Meaning it’s harvest time. Therefore the need for God’s holy Truth and for His once secured bibles is over. Why? Because His words are either in their hearts already or they are not. Times Up!
Continue reading “I Tell You Mysteries You Won’t Learn this at Seminary.”
Don’t Tell Me You Love Me! Spirit Vs. Law
Preface. Neither Paul Begley or Mike subscribe to the articles of Angry Jane and the Seere Jazweeh. Still read on or is it "sleep on sleep on" (another desecrated scripture) Jesus said Wakey wakey. The Dark Lord says "sleep on blind man, sleep on". Truth is not an easy slice of cake to eat. Especially when Truth comes from someone who sees what the many do not. Nor is it comfortable to look into the eyes of the beast who is ruling Earth by his Iron Rods of towers of Babel. But for those of us who see the end of days tribulation here now... And see the man made Cancers/heart disease/immune system desecrations etc. These times are far worse than any. Genocide is and has been on the table in the U.S. for stealth the human serpents slaughter mankind. Nearly everything you carry out of any store has a toxic aspect to it.
God is Spirit. God is Love.
The letter kills the Spirit gives Life. The law was given to man to show sin in it’s true light. Now evil men wield law as a weapon & a control axis against the masses.
Mankind on Earth never should have wielded its laws upon the masses. Every law is a manipulation of power by oppression and deception. Every law works to keep men oppressed financially and emotionally. While the laws benefit the mega rich who are above the law. They will answer to God Almighty very soon for oppression, deceptions, abuse, and imprisonment of the innocent.
If Love is only a feeling then there is no Loving action to be had. Actions speak louder than words when it comes to Loving others.
Don’t tell me you love me! Rather show Love. Don’t spew it as a statement that was said to get a coveted reaction. Many people today throw those three words around for all the wrong reasons.
Reasons like, to fix things, as a manipulation, as a people pleasing statement by someone who fears their own assertiveness taking undue responsibility for other people’s feelings. They say I Love you to hear it back. The Christians say it on Youtube videos as it they are capable of any kind of Love toward those subscribers & viewers whom they never met. Much less shown any Love toward.
Continue reading “Don’t Tell Me You Love Me! Spirit Vs. Law”