A Vision Of Pastor Paul Begley by Jazweeh

8-5-2022 Vision

Pastor Paul, a word for you.

Watch this Video

Pastor Paul Begleys Main Youtube page.



I am a seer named Jazweeh.  I am a scribe and an intercessor of God.  I focus on the end of days events, prophecy fulfillments, and see the spiritual condition of God’s children from time to time.  The Seal of God is already on the foreheads of the chosen few, also called 144,000, and those who go before the throne (133).

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Mike From Around the World Tells it Like it Is

The Sacred Angels of the Apocalypse fly now.
Jazweeh. When you see the black Sun (April 8, 2024?) The end is nigh.

No Hold’s Barred. Mike From Around the World Tells the Truth
When other elite men run and hide with fear.  Most are paid to keep quiet.

When a man sees his death approaching.  He asks himself…what good have I done in this Earth?  And he then commences to make right his wrongs.  God is merciful and gracious.  For I, Laura E. the scribe can attest to my own deliverance, prodigal walk, and re-deliverance again.  He does not turn from us because we sin.  The prodigal walk teaches us the depth of God’s Love for us.

“Draw nigh unto the Father and He shall draw nigh unto thee.”

You cannot buy the kind of Truth Mike lays down in this latest video

Pastor Paul mentions Planet X, is planet x effecting Earth’s weather?  Perhaps.  But Jazweeh believes its the four angels pouring out their viles on Earth that’s turning Earth inside out.  The answers are in the prophesies of the Bible.

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Step by Step Beast System Programming Of Children.

How Are Mind’s Programmed?

Children have no Truth driven coping skills.

Crying is bad and wrong and only pussy’s cry.  And so pain comes out sideways by violent rage.

If you read this article you will likely deny the programming and trauma I introduce.  Even though most all people in the beast system have endured it.  Most likely you will minimize maybe mock my sharing.

Continue reading “Step by Step Beast System Programming Of Children.”

How Does Evil Separate Mankind from God & Truth?

And Angry Jane says…”she drank deeply from the waters of Truth and it cleansed her soul and made her whole by God’s Eternal Love”.

First a Word About Our Favorite Truthers

The prophet is not shown honor by people familiar with him.  Especially his family who know him from his time of youth.

Why?  Why do we honor Mike from Around the World as being both spiritual & a knowledgeable Pentagon insider who shares with us the fruits of his insight?

And has he not also shown us things to come?  We honor him from afar because what he told us ring true in our Spirit.  And because events he predicted came to pass just as he presented they would.

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Dark Transfiguration–Iron & Clay

Recipe for Dark Transfiguration.  Making man in the image of the beast.

How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.

Mike from around the world –The Dark Knight says this.

They cannot handle the Truth! ” says the Dark Knight.  Still, the truth must be given says the scribe of God to the dark knight.  They shall employ coping skills by The Spirit.

Recipe of Jabba.   

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We Show You A Mystery of God. Prophecy Fulfilled Now.

The Golden Roach Scribe of God (writer Jazweeh.com) struggles with one foot in the supernatural and the other on Earth, carnal. 

Mt. of Olives carnal & Mt. Zion Spiritual.  One foot on each.  THINK! Do you remember a similar script?  Jesus setting down on TWO mountains, with one foot on each mountain?  "And He gave each of them a white stone"  Rev.2:17.    And the streets of Heaven are Crystals of many kinds.

And preachers called the crystals "evil" and of evil.   Along with meditation in Christ and essential oils of plants given from God that do heal.  All power scriptures for the people are being quickly removed from all existing bibles near and far old and new.  The event is covered by the strong (Strong's?) delusion.

 Nearly 30 fulfilled Prophesies, list below.

Wisdom proclaims Truth out in the streets and she is utterly rejected, being mocked & spoken of as delusional. 

Yet for her who knows Wisdom the human eyes keep twinkling.  With the twinkling of the eye that only she can see.

“We shall not all sleep (during the stasis), but we shall all be changed.”

However we Surmise that Most Cannot, WILL NOT Dare to Believe What the 144 Say & See.

It’s written (or was) that the Israelites are blind until the coming in of the gentiles…but I see something quite different.  I see many blind gentiles.


What is Coming according to Prophecy?  In a few words…THE HARVEST GATHERING.  The Lake of Fire.  And the New Earth.  Ye either head to one’s eternal home or head to the New Earth.  Old Earth is morphing into New Earth already it seems.  Yesterday I saw a red dragon fly.  All red.  There are many new neon colored creatures.  Are they all GMO creations?  Perhaps.  Or perhaps not.  I suppose they could be.  But with the sun turning white.  And all the other changes in the skies.  Including the rotating moon that rotates as it crosses the sky. The signs and wonders are many.  And will NOT be attributed solely to man’s debauchery.

Continue reading “We Show You A Mystery of God. Prophecy Fulfilled Now.”

The Mystery of Salvation of the Soul

Spiritual Trust is built on Experiences .


Do not expect to trust God 100%.  Why?  Humans are not capable of trusting in God one hundred percent.  If they were there would be no need for eternal Hope and Faith two of the greatest spiritual gifts given to all of mankind.

As I said before…its where the Faith is applied that makes or breaks the spiritual condition of the man/woman.  STAY WITH ME THIS IS NOT ONLY IMPORTANT ITS HIGH & HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD.

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Who Is the Restrainer? You Can’t Handle the Truth!_______JACK

First we must establish who is the Beast the Dragon and the Harlot.

You won’t see these interpretations of prophecy anywhere else.  How about we start with some examples of beast behavior in mass.

Governments & Cops who serve the Beast

Who keeps the beast rolling?  People who serve it with no questions asked.  Those who turn over their own moral compass to the beast will answer for their actions.

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Paul Begley Confirms Jazweeh’s “RED ASH” Prediction (Feb. 2022)

The Prediction was Given From the Angel on High

Its unusual for Jazweeh to get a prophecy from a deity.  She also insists she is not a prophet.  However these angels she sees flying are the four angels written in Revelation who pour out their viles of purification/disaster/&renewal of and on Earth here and now.

Please see her prediction article given in February for detail about THE RED ASH being poured out on mankind to burn the Earth and banish man.



To watch Pastor Paul Begley’s video in full size click YouTube link.

Prediction or Prophecy

The Scribe Feels He will Soon Depart.

As the Lion left the lamb to the wolf by Isaiah 6 x 11=666.    So too shall the Lions leave Earth to the wolves.

The many made their choice between Truth & Lies. 2nd Thess. 2

Most likely the Lions (144/133) shall depart Earth without anyone noticing.  Why would they notice?  Most Christians are under the strong delusion….sorry.  This isn’t easy for Jacob to watch.   They sleep by the vail they know not evil from good.  The sacred tree has withdrawn from them.  They shall not be “as gods having the knowledge of both good and of evil”.

Perhaps where they are going they have no need for such knowledge a place of no evil intent.

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The Fourth Angel Comes

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina is the same as the four angels in Revelation & The Fourth angel in Revelation 16:8.

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The Sacred Red Phoenix Represents the Return of Jesus & Perhaps Rapture

I Saw a Devine Phoenix Miracle Tonight 01-30-2022

The blue and the red Kachina’s were prophesied by the Hopi Indians many years past.  Hopi’s wrote that the dancing stars as bright as a moon will arrive at Earth’s end.  They represent the coming New Earth/new age and the death of the old Earth.  They are energetic dropping light crystals as they fly East with the elliptical orbit.

But wait!

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Either We are in “Jacob’s Trouble” or “Great Tribulation” Either/Or

Jesus’ Prophecy Disclosed.

Red Kachina

The prophecy fulfillments at the bottom of page in yellow are not written by Mike.  These are by Jazweeh the intercessor who is 144 and sees the fulfillment of Jesus’ words to us. Not all are the eyes.  We are not saying that if you do not agree or do not see the prophecy coming to pass your not saved.

Let’s establish some spiritual Truth.

Knowledge is not salvation.  This means that we can categorize people by what they know of spiritual end of days occurrences but we cannot categorize them spiritually by what they know where salvation is concerned.  God looks upon the heart.



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Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego Survived the Firey Furnace

So too shall God’s Children Survive Eternally

Firebird Phoenix is Upon Earth

Biblical Story Turned Prophecy  There’s bad news & good news.

What The Elite (those in the know $$) Won’t Tell the Public due to the terrifying repercussions.

We see the fiery Phoenix in the skies over Earth.  For nearly 5 years I have watched the bright Fire Angel called the Blue Kachina dance, spin, and fly west seen in the southern skies of the U.S.  Binoculars and Faith are needed to see her.  She sends a message from our Creator.  The New Earth Eternal Comes.  But first the old earth must burn.

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The Phoenix Now Flies



For Four years I have been watching what I call the blue Kachina (Hopi Prophecy) in the southern sky from Florida.  It dances and flashes red, blue, and clear lights.  It has wings as an angel.  And for four years I have watched her fly using just a cheap pair of binoculars.  Today I figured out what she is.

I am afraid that without Faith men won’t be able to see the Firebird Phoenix.  There is a dividing of time in play.  Two realities at work in one place.  Literally two Truths.  (Hence the many Mandela effects and supernatural bible changes etc.)

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2022 Mike’s APOCOLYPTIC Predictions

Mike Share’s ALL NEW Disastrous News.

Urgent: “2022 Apocalyptic Warnings” Mike from Around the World/Paul Begley

Last year 2021 Mike shared over and over the same basic circumstances of Earth’s changes. This year’s predictions are far worse. Weather will be the enemy.

Contact website owner at info@jazweeh.com

North Central Florida Is Drowning In Chemtrails-Fake Sun

It’s So Bad We can Smell the Fake Clouds

by Angry Jane.

The fake clouds smell just like the cheap fakey stage fog at the strip clubs that used to gag the strippers when dancing back in the day.  The chem trails are so heavy we smell the same smell now and have for years.  Yes I used to be a stripper before my born again experience.  Angry Jane was born again in 1987.  We think we already know what’s in the fake clouds by reports from many free lance independent chemical analyses truthers/whistle blowers.  Stratospheric aerosol injection is what the elite call their pollution creation.

Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones

This anti geoengineering website was handed to me on a silver platter from one of the .gov sites so expect its controlled opposition.

In the end days all things shall be revealed.  We are in the time of the great revealing.

PROPHECY-The Sun shall go dim & the moon shall not give it’s light.  The times shall be worse than ever before.  Even seen a movie or show about a fake sun saving the earth?  I saw one on the series Stargate.   Or wait…was Stargate SG-1.

Mathew 24:29

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

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Natural Herb Tonic for (Covid 19) SARS-CoV-2

Put your Health in the Hands of God by Prayer


Avoiding fever and bacterial pneumonia by Dried natural Clove & homegrown Turmeric Root.

Fever is indicative of infection.  I did not have a fever therefore I did not have a reason to go to the hospital.  I had primarily phlem, flem, phlegm (who knows how its spelled this week).

The first two weeks were the worst symptoms lung pain, breathing obstruction by flem that was like super glue.

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Who is the AntiChrist and False Prophet Who Gives Predictions?

Written by Angry Jane the Lone Scribe of God.  I could be wrong, but…..

False Prophet Candidate.  His name includes “War” and he is likely responsible for my wars for profit.
Bill Gates leaves Microsoft's board, stepping farther away from the tech giant he founded
Antichrist Candidate

Predicting more than just financial prophecy.

“Watching the Worst Holocaust Play Out”
A False Prophet Makes Predictions. Catholic Pope is off the table in that respect. But how about the richest man in the world who they call “The Oracle of Omaha”? And who did the Richest man put in power?

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New Bloods Types Found Here There & Everywhere

But “Its not the mark, its not the mark” to the tune of Beethoven’s 5th.

Move over CRISPR tech! mRNA design w/nano is here. The keys of gold to human cellular nucleus are now in the hands of the beast. The beast who has called us monkeys from the start.
IT AIN’T PRETTY! DANGER! Says the Crypt Master. This article should only be read by free thinkers.

Warning – This article contains the “F” word. Also it has some coded words.  Please, Don’t read this article if you took the portion potion and stand for the system who gave it.  Unless you had a bad initial reaction and did not take any more of them.  And if you no longer trust the beast.  Then you may want to read further.   You may also like https://jazweeh.com

FOR NEW BLOOD TYPES YOU NEED NEW DNA CELL LINES. All New. triple strand in science is a thing.

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