Sell Your Gold Now!

Check Gold Chart Here Rise & Fall

Yes Paul Begley consistently promotes gold investing.  He does not agree with the predictions of Jazweeh.  He believes that gold is the safest place to put your money.  But what is Gold really good for besides making trinkets of value that will last a very long time?  In hard times of famine and poverty at least they will look good with their vanity in tact eh?

Just like the cryptocurrency scam of 2021 thereabout….the image of the beast drew in the little people to invest their hard earned real money.  For four years up unto the present (2024) record numbers of gold have been purchased and sold.  Likely more gold sales  than ever before.

Who is buying and who is selling? Gog submits to us that it’s the banks which are buying gold at break neck pace.  Gog the tech giant lies like Hell of course.  It’s the little people who have endured to watch & hear over and over the ads to buy gold.

Know the beast system by who they show you they are.  Not by who they tell you they are on the image of the beast (cell/tv).  Gold will crash.  And they will say the representative numbers on the screen just changed and the millions lost by the working class simply evaporated.

Make no mistake….the beast placed it’s bets just in time.  And the beast makes it’s plans ahead of time with patience.

“They will throw their gold into the streets”  Ezekiel 7:19.

Who will throw their gold into the streets Ezekiel?  Those who profited from the flexuation of prices?   Or those who lost their money and are stuck with pennies on the dollar of a metal they cannot forge?

The gold plunge is coming very very soon.  Food will be worth more than gold even though they are making most food unclean/toxic and artificial spraying plastic on produce.  Changing the genome of crops so it can withstand more and more poisons sprayed on it.

“If He did not shorten those days no flesh would survive, for the elects sake those days shall be shortened.” (the great tribulation).  Mathew 24:22

The many have no idea that they are in the great tribulation because they simply cannot see the Gene oh side all around them.

God protects His chosen.  And I am very likely a prophet of doom persay….I met the Lion in the cave who granted me the gift of foresight & wisdom over prophecies of old.

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