Strobe Lightning. The New Normal in Florida Causing Coronal Discharges/ozone (O3 Ozone) and Corona discharges are causing plasma fires.
To Jeff. With search terms “ball lightning” and “St. Elmos fire” you will find more verification of the internal tree fires being plasma fires (I think). Here are links to articles that state St. Elmos fire is PLASMA.
This wikipedia article confirms the plasma in a naturally occuring corona discharge. The violet flowing event shown below is a corona discharge. Which is now happening naturally in the atmosphere. No metal rods required.
Based on my new information of plasma & natural occurring coronal discharges the trees are burning from the inside out initially from the outside. But since the new St. Elmo’s plasma fire is like a microwave effect it’s cooking trees from the inside. And sometimes not even touching the outside of the tree.
Why Are There So Many Fires Now and More Coming?
Oxygen atom is 2 proton molecules. Ozone atom is 3 proton Oxygen molecules. they call each protone of either “Oxygen”. When the corona discharge happens the Oxygen regular breathable 2 protons SPLITS. Ionizes. Corrupts into a split and two extra particles O(2) joins with 2 regular Oxygen molecules (2) and each atom becomes Oxygen(03) which is actually OZONE not good toxic.
Some articles, say it splits then recombines. Making it sound like it goes back to being good oxygen after the corona discharge. Not so.
With the corona discharges now happening naturally in mid air. More and more Ozone is being created during storms and during times of ionization of the air.
“That does not sound good!” says the guy.
Earth is burning because of it. Well at least now we know why the internal tree fires are happening! And why Canada is burning.
Strobe Lightning Is Caused by Radiation Overload on Earth’s Surface.
I walked outside of my house during a light sprinkle of rain. Thunder was about over. Yet I was startled by an eye shock of “strobe lightning”. This is the lightning that doesn’t strike as a rod high in the sky. But rather it travels close to Earth exploding like a tiny bomb. And then producing a flash of strobe with a violet to blue corona discharge.
Seems my corona discharge theories are correct as far as being a new threat to humans. At least in Florida. Why a threat? Because the burst of the corona discharge (coincidentally called “corona”) produces ozone.
It is written in science articles such as that when the discharge occurs if a person breaths the ozone it would cause lung problems. Ironically the same symptoms as the alleged Crna/Vyrs.
Could the by-Russ be a cover up for a new deadly environmental & natural occurrence?
The oxygen atom only splits temporarily and then it recombines with itself becoming oxygen again.
Naturally occuring C.D. on leaves
These articles are not telling the whole story because it’s scary. Can’t cause panic right? Lie to the people at any cost scream the elite.
Wiki States
“St. Elmo’s fire—also called Witchfire or Witch’s Fire[1]—is a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by a corona discharge from a rod-like object such as a mast, spire, chimney, or animal horn[2] in an atmospheric electric field. It has also been observed on the leading edges of airplanes, as in the case of British Airways Flight 009. The intensity of the effect, a blue or violet glow around the object, often accompanied by a hissing or buzzing sound, is proportional to the strength of the electric field and therefore noticeable primarily during thunderstorms or volcanic eruptions.”
So they are calling it St. Elmo’s Fire and “ball lightning” Hmm. I do not doubt the Corona Discharges are happening on cell towers, electrical housings, and other metallic objects like they are saying. But I just watched it happen in the air with no metal objects around. Our air has too much metallic in it apparently. Since the elite are trying to save us all from the Sun by pouring out chem trials of aluminum, barrium, strontium and the works. Aluminum is one of their favorite food additives by the way. After all if they are really practicing mind control by turning humans into walking antenas they need lots of metal in the humans. But that’s another theory all together pitched on Rumble video platform channels.
The Corona Discharges are fact. Now the PLASMA IS FACT. Breathing during the transformation of oxygen into ozone is risky. It would likely burn the follicles of protection on the lungs. Yes they use Ozone to clean air but it’s a controlled amount.
See Jeff’s plasma fire articles at his youtube channel here.
Conclusion-Shit is hitting the fan because of the frequencies from cell towers and the electrical lines the depleting ozone layer, the pollution to the air, chram trails, a white hot sun, the new luminaries in the heavens pouring out their viles, and their presence in itself. Too much of certain gases in the atmosphere are ionizing the oxygen molecules. Hence corona discharges are happening randomly and rapidly all around earth. Earth is burning just as the prophecies said it would. Good news is The New Earth is coming.
Get to know God & Jesus while there is still some time. Destruction is happening fast. I walked in front of a corona discharge today from strobe (ball) lightning ground level violet flash and all. I just hope Ozone didn’t get me. I guess I will soon find out. I find this ironic since I theorized in 2021 due to the name “corona virus” that we were headed for bleak corona discharges on Earth. Which cause lung symptoms from Ozone. The ionization of oxygen molecules turns to ozone. No metal rods are required for this to happen now in the atmosphere. I saw it first hand.
The Beast never tells the whole truth about anything.
“In the study, published Aug. 9 in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, researchers recreated the electrical fields from thunderstorms in a laboratory and analyzed the coronas given off by eight plant species under a range of conditions. The results showed that all of the coronas created a high abundance of radicals — chemicals containing unpaired electrons that are highly reactive with other compounds — which can significantly alter the surrounding air quality.
(meaning Ozone is produced by the now frequent naturally occuring coronal discharges.)
“While little is known about how widespread these discharges are, we estimate that coronas generated on trees under thunderstorms could have substantial impacts on the surrounding air,” lead study author Jena Jenkins, an atmospheric scientist at Penn State University, said in a statement.”
Here’s how oxidation technologies puts the splitting of the atom from corona discharges earth surface level.
“Any electrical discharge, or spark will create ozone. The spark will split the oxygen molecule (O2) found in ambient air into elemental oxygen (O). These Oxygen atoms will quickly bind to another oxygen molecule (O2) to form ozone (O3).”