Gamma Radiation Sickness Same Symptoms as SARS-cov2

Even doctors are programmed to never assume harsh Gamma rays are penetrating our Earth cause radiation sickness.  The doctors who don’t know that the initial lung burn in 2020 felt more like an injury than an illness.  That’s why I suspected lung burn.  And those who cannot heal well would get Pneumonia from the burns.  If they would alert the public of high radiation days we would stay the hell out of the sun’s direct rays for one.

No they make us figure this shit our for ourselves without any of their help.  They are the one’s with the technology to measure the sun’s potency from day to day.  Yet all they tell us is Ozone levels.  And they even cover that up by masking the true numbers and radioactive particulates in the air.  The pollution makes matters much worth when mixed with the Gamma Sun of man rays.

They have created a white dwarf sun that is on it’s primary meaning it’s set to blow.  Yet when the true Sun of God went dim in 2012 the bastards where there for us with their sun of man.  A white hot plasma ball that has the shortest life span of any star ever on Earth.

Yet they saved the green grass and trees for a few more years, as prophesied.  God is harvesting the souls of mankind.  There is no getting out of it.  Lung burn is some scarey shit.  I know because I had it.  It was an injury not an illness.  I was healed by the prophesied Two Witnesses of Revelation.

Most prophecies are being fulfilled now.  But not like the preachers said they would.  Still they are true.  You see, King James took the true writings of the prophets of old and surrounded their truth with loads of bullshit propaganda.  Made to elevate government.  And made to oppress and deceive the children of God.  Gamma means solar radiation.  Alpha and beta radiation are more along the lines of man made debaucherous inventions.

Father will shorten and is shortening these days of tribulation for the elect.

If you get lung burn use natural remedies to stop bacterial growth from occurring.  Use home grown ginger root and leaves.  Or turmeric root & leaves for tea/hot.  Use real honey for sweetener.  Pray to God for healing.

Buy organic Cinnamon sticks and make hot tea from it.  Again use honey as sweetener.  Though Cinnamon is in itself sweet.  You can order natural herbs from Frontier Coop online.

Hibiscus is good for the blood if you accidentally took Esau’s soup and your bloodline is now desecrated.  Repent of it.  God forgives those who make mistakes.  Elderberry is delicious mixed with Holy Basil and Chamomile for hot healing tea.  The cures are in nature and always have been.  The diseases are made from mankind and you can buy them at the stores.  Most anything you walk out of a store with is toxic in one way or another.  Be careful what your eat.  Avoid processed foods.  But now they have ruined our produce with their plastic “Apeel” causing fruit and veggies to rot from the inside out will looking bright and colorful on the shelves for month on end.  Even the animals and insects won’t eat some of the raw produce I throw out to compost.

I bought some potatoes that grew a disgusting black mold and then read that their Apeel has an ingredient promoting the black mold.

“Citric Acid-
Traditionally, citric acid once was sourced from citrus fruits, particularly lemon and lime, as it occurs naturally in this produce. It’s responsible for attributing their sour, tart taste. Up until the early 1900s, researchers discovered that citric acid could also be made from a different source and switched to this cheaper manufacturing method. 99% of citric acid today is manufactured through this synthetic process. The synthetic version is produced by fermenting and feeding sugars to mold, specifically the black mold strain Aspergillus niger. This manufactured version is commonly seen as a food additive and is also in nutritional supplements and cleaning agents. Due to its acidic and sour-tasting nature, it is generally used as a preservative and flavoring agent.”

Whatever they have done to the citric acid in Apeel it’s not good.  And the vile potato mold is dangerous and likely deadly. (theory)

I despise the beast because I see the beast. Most don’t see and they are ignorantly blissful about their current condition.

The elite want to take credit for everything making themselves gods. Gamma radiation comes from THE SUN of man. (your bible changed from “Son of God” to son of man” but you don’t remember it. Sorry.

The sun of man which saved the Earth for a time as prophesied. The Sun of God went dim as prophesied bible and Hopi I think. In stepped the elite with their fake electric plasma ball. They did save the Earth and probably made a deal with every country to rule the Earth if they saved it for a few more years. Hence the owo. But it’s still harvest time for souls. . Nevertheless their invention immediately became a white dwarf sun of man. A sun that’s about on it’s way out not lasting like God’s stars do. And a sun that is emitting far too high of frequencies and to strong of Gamma rays. GAMMA RAYS are solar. They are not spreading gamma rays by drones. The drones are likely holograms as predicted. I dreamed it. I saw saucers land on the grass in my field without touching it. The grass growing into the spaceship as if they were one. I did not know what the dream meant until now. The grass went through the spaceship as a hologram would look. It lands on grass and doesn’t flatten it. I know now that when I had covid it wasn’t covid at all. It felt more like an injury. Like acute radiation burn to my lungs. By gamma rays and particulates. Also Ozone is damaged oxygen molecules that split off one of their atoms creating Ozone which is also bad to breath when it’s ionized like that. THAT’S WHAT’S GOING ON HERE I BELIEVE. And I really do have the Holy Spirit gifts unlike others. Perhaps it’s the double portion. The watchmen have the Holy Spirit upon them. The 144 have it inside them not just on them. I could be wrong. But not about the H.S. in me. Maybe the watchmen really did receive the H.S. baptism without ever noticing it.  Maybe they got a nominal portion of Spirit when they came to believe in Jesus The Son of God.   Without a spiritual experience feeling God’s Love and without receiving all the gifts of The Spirit. Without the laying on of hands as once prescribed.  And without supernatural evidence.

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