The Plagues of Revelation Twelve & Six.

My Dear Readers.  Seekers of Truth & the Supernatural, Greetings from the Scribe of God

Apollyon or Abaddon giving directives to his locust hoard.


Milton’s famous “Red Dragon” painting is uncannily similar to the appearance of the invisible demon locust. Though it has no legs. It came in the night consummating with the believers and unbelievers. Only those with the seal of God escaped it’s infestation.


The winged abomination perches in the hair. It carried the demon locust upon it’s back. One locust for every human being.


Look how the locust shape shifts into the form of the human face. It is both spirit and corporal. The book reads that it feeds on the eye sockets making the eyes literally  sink back into the head. The creatures feeds lies to it’s victims.

Christians and many others claim they believe in the supernatural God Almighty.   They claim that their bibles are true regarding prophecy.  And they are.  But the interpretations of Christians who follow popular understanding of prophecy are lead into deception and fables of what the prophecies really mean.  We could not know the meaning until it came to pass.  And it has.

Gentiles Who Are Unknowingly Infested With the Painless Locust from the Pit of Hell.

Gentiles cannot teach bible or Spiritual Truth in the way the elect do.  The elect are sin sword.  You won’t read or hear the elect on Youtube.  Their words will not go viral.  Even if their teaching did go viral Christians would despise the words of Truth. Why?  Because spiritual truth scares them.  Even though gentiles are saved…still they will sleep 1,000 years and it will seem like one day.  They preferred the lies and so God gave them over to delusion.  But He won’t leave them in deception.  He will put them to sleep and deliver them from the Locust that infested them around 2017.

The pit already opened and the demonic corporal entity called a Locust is a parasite from Hell.  Gentiles do not know they are demonically deceived.  Otherwise they would have sought out deliverance.  The elect did just that.  They knew they had demons within.   Not in the form of possession.  But rather in the form of oppression.

We do not know what the effects of the Locusts are except that their eyes are sinking.  And that their being rendered “desolate” & “reprobate of mind”.  We do however suspect that it has a dark and deceptive voice within its host.  But due to shame and the programming to hide parts of the heart from God & man, it’s likely none of the Gentiles will confess their malady to God or to man.

They are just changing, willingly and with lots of self deception.

The Holy Spirit Baptism

The Scribe rarely parrots phrases that are in style.  The Scribe is a free thinker who primarily writes her original thoughts.  She does not copy watchmen’s repetitive proclamations of what is coming or their crafty catch phrases and buzz words.  Nor does she have a need to mimic others (anymore) as an attempt of raising her programmed & deep-set low self worth.  She no longer finds her self worth by copying social structure directives.  The Scribe has left the hive mind.

“Come out from among them and be ye separate”.

She knows how, when, and where she received the supernatural gifts of the baptism of The Holy Spirit.  And with that she received the grand accompanying gifts that made her a Scribe of God.  The Scribe has a tale to tell of Truth, deliverance, healing, & enlightenment.

If you want to see her long five part video testimony on Youtube.

“Love covers a multitude of sin.”

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

It’s a mystery whether or not God grants the Holy Spirit without any supernatural evidence.  We won’t venture to assume that these Gentile watchmen have the Holy Spirit baptism.  Yes all men have the Holy Spirit of Life at birth.  And the Watchmen gentiles got an extra portion in the end of days pouring out of the Holy Spirit.  But the gifts of the Holy Spirit that come with the baptism are not evident in any Watchmen I have observed.  Still they do have a portion of the Spirit unless they took the mark of the beast.

Why is it called the mark of the beast?  Because it’s literal.

(KEY-Sensitive content, sound out words together that don’t make sense)

The “payload” as the pig (big farm a) farmers call it, of the back scene contains literal beast pro teens and “purified” can sir sale lines.  Meaning beast Dee Anne a and can sir with a purpose.  The can sir sale lines cause rapid replication.  They set up the remarkable (my toes sis) Dee Anne a throughout the host’s body.  Now they are a gee Emma oh Hughe mans.  And are likely incapable of repenting if the changes are final.  Monkeys are not privy to God’s blessings of redemption and son-ship.

Where did I get this info?  From the in greed I ants.  On ass trail Zen a kah.  I then added 1+1 =2.

They got the keys to the sales nuke Lee us and that was it.  Final solution.  Gee Emma oh fruits and veggies do not normally produce seeds capable of reproducing.

“Demons came to steal kill and destroy God’s children.”  Evil as a slithering serpent prowls the earth looking for people to devour.”

Forgiveness & Repentance

Forgiveness is from God. Repentance is vital.  It’s prompted by the heart by guilt, remorse, shame, and regret.  These heart grown feelings that are vital to our spiritual walk if we are to increase in seeking God Almighty.  To grow Spiritually we must listen to our heart’s voice and embrace who we really are.

Never shut down feelings that repeat within us.  Every feeling comes from a place of Truth.  Strong repetitive feelings should be explored and addressed with Truth.  Every feeling happens for a valid reason and has its purpose in the path of the children of God.

Jesus is the Way, the narrow path to overcoming the flesh & the beast programming.

“They overcame by the word of their testimony” and by the Love of God.

Revelation 6:1
“And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise (sound) of thunder, one of the four beasts (Living Beings) saying, Come and see.”

The God of Light and Love doesn’t have supernatural “beasts” as pets.  The phrase is of the supernatural bible changes.  And it is an insult to God all mighty.  The supernatural creations God impressed the scribes of old to write were called “Living Beings”.  Not “creatures” or “beasts”.

The supernatural bible changes effect every article I now write.  Why? Because true scripture is tied in to the end of days events.

Demons came to steal, kill, and destroy.  They have been here for a very long time.  Men must choose whether to show God all of their heart and ask Him to cleanse it.  Or to only show God the parts of one’s heart that we assume God will accept and like.  SHAME KILLS SOULS.

IF THE MAN CANNOT FACE HIS OWN HEART IN TRUTH…HOW WILL HE THEN PRESENT ALL OF HIS HEART TO GOD ALMIGHTY.   OR TO JESUS FOR FIXING.  Jesus cleanses hearts and He will do it more than once.  It’s a process of becoming.  To walk in the Way of Jesus is to become the clay in God’s hands.  We exhibit trust by asking for things from God that scar us.  We give up the flesh in our prayers.  That is how we become overcomers.  By asking God for the right things to change in us.

Jesus knows very well those whom He has formed in His image.  As long as we walk in this flesh we will sin.  But we will NOT be in the bondage of any sin eventually in our walk.  Bondage is oppression and it’s not a good place to be in.  How do we know we are in bondage?

By doing things we know are wrong to get what we want in the Flesh.  Like stealing for drugs.  Or hurting someone for lust etc.

Uncovering The Beast System and it’s Plagues of Revelation

The watchmen on the wall do not know how far along the end of days really are because they cannot see the Beast & it’s words of evil.  The beast wants us dead. The beast has already slaughtered 1/3 of the Earth’s humans.  The beast already sent out it’s many plagues. The Beast hates us with a passion of rage that is unequalled by any human.  See now that the disease of mankind are all planned out and created with great care by the Beast who is running this fallen Earth.

Link to Jesse Welles music videos

Can sir is the beasts favorite invention.  Spread by non-food, food items and additives.  Also pretty much ANYTHING you walk out of a store with is TOXIC for two reasons.  Greed and depopulation.

Small amounts of poison put into everything we walk out of any store with ends up causing inflammation.  Inflammation is the number one cause of almost all diseases. I am not going to list the poisons in our food and other products. Because they are endless and getting worse and worse every year.  But now that the restrainer is put down.  Shown in 2020 by the fall of the Cathedral of Notre Dame.  The Harlot who protected the innocent for so long has paid with her life to protect us.  Were the Red hats corrupt?  Usually.  Nevertheless many of them died for us protection us from the poisons that are now ending the lives of so many people.  Unawares.  Unawares.  Murder by stealth.

Can sir


Heart disease


Viruses (introducing animal bacteria into humans)


kidney/liver diseases

neurological disorders

the mark of the beast


And the new genome spawned diseases.  (introducing genetic anomalies from animals into the human genome.)  Make no mistake this did not happen naturally.  And God WILL (Hope) stop the progression of genome illness before they are able to introduce genetic blood born diseases by aerosol.  The mark of the beast is one of those desecrations of the blood.  Introducing chimp into man’s physical genetic makeup.  The back sin ate Ed have also lost their lineage by deletion and reproduction of heritage by blood.

Their ancestors lines and DNA memory are no longer in them.  The human race is likely of three major bloodlines now.  Pig, Chimp, & Rat. (theory).  The Astrazen was the only one that openly listed Chimp pro-teens in their ingredients.  However without some kind of beast dna the back scenes would not be effective in changing one’s bloodlines.

Blood targeted inflammatories.  Polyethyl Glycol their favorite inflammatory agent.  Now they push P.E.G in every back scene.

Can sir sale lines were also put in the back scenes also called “immortalized cell lines” or “purified can sir” as they rename it every other month to hinder back scene research online.  Can sir sales lines were introduced to the world in 2020 in the back scenes.  People who were back sin ate Ed had can sir injected right into their blood for two reasons.

1# Rapid mitosis of the chimp DNA to set up shop in it’s host body.  And #2 the scientific knowledge that these purified can sir sales can be reactivated to malignancy by existing human sales in the host body.  I suppose they know which cells will do that reactivating.  And probably can induce the sales in food.(theory).





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